授 業 科 目必修・
学 年
Elementary English Communication A
必修21  シンプソン
The course aims to improve elementary English speaking and listening skills through conversation practice related to life and culture in England as well as everyday situations.
Students talk about a variety of familiar topics. At the same time, they study brief passages introducing aspects of society, geography, history and culture in England, and discuss these in relation to their own experience. They also prepare short talks each week related to these topics.
1. London, the Houses of Parliament, government, parks.
2. Sherlock Holmes, detective stories, train travel.
3. Museums, the Victorian era, palaces, royalty today.
4. Brighton, the seaside, Stonehenge, ancient monuments, the news.
5. Oxford and Cambridge, universities, student life.
6. Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, drama and theatre.
7. Robin Hood, legends, Lincooln, cathedral cities.
8. York, World Heritage sites, transport history and transportation.
9. Yorkshire, moors, Bronte family, tourism.
10. The Lake District, nature conservation, English writers and poets.
11. Liverpool history and culture, National Parks, villages in England.
12. Marriage, weddings, churches, Dover, foreign travel.
13. The Cotswolds, food, pubs, employment and part-time work.
14. The Tower of London, the Tudors, Westminster Abbey.
15. The Millennium, the Globe Theatre, Covent Garden, entertainment.
Revision of texts, preparation of short talks.
“Looking Around England” (南雲堂出版社)
Monolingual or bilingual dictionary
Participation in classroom activity 60%. Reports and final test 40%
This is a practical class. Students are expected to attend regularly and to participate actively.
【備 考】