授 業 科 目必修・
学 年
English Ⅳ
選択24  ミッシェル ポール
The purpose of this course is to encourage the students to use the English they have learned so far to communicate verbally and in writing. We will also work on pronunciation and listening comprehension.
1.Improvement of students’ ability to communicate effectively in English.
2.Confidence building, so that the students feel comfortable vocalizing the English they have already learned to read and write so far.
3.Cultural awareness.
4.This term, more intensive listening and verbal activities, utilizing video segments.
5.Practice 4 steps to better communication.
1.Getting back into the swing of English after summer vacation. “How was your summer?” Journal entry.
2.Kuzco: part 1―listening, new words and phrases, dialogs. Journal entry.
3.Kuzco: part 2―summarizing what you saw―“reporting”. Journal entry.
4. Kuzco: part 3. Write dialog. Journal entry.
5. Act out dialog. Kuzco: part 4. Journal entry.
6.Talk about school festival. True story―listening comprehension. Part 4―tell what happened. Journal entry.
7.Kuzco: part 5. Summarize today’s story. Journal entry.
8.Kuzco: part 6. Make your own comprehension questions. Gratitude list (Thanksgiving Day). Journal entry.
9.Go through gratitude list. Do questions you made last week. Kuzco: part 7.
10.Kuzco: part 8. Describe the main characters. Journal entry.
11.Kuzco: part 9. Describing characters. Journal entry.
12.Watch Kuzco from beginning to end, with word checklist.
13.About winter vacation. Explain test. Points 1 and 2 for better communication. Journal entry.
14.Practice point 3 in groups.
15.Practice point 4.
Prints and other media will be used in lieu of a textbook. Please continue to bring your journal every week. We will be using a video for listening practice and as a springboard for discussion and to inspire dialogs.
Attendance (50%), participation (40%), and test (10%) will all be considered.
Regular attendance and participation are required. Absences, sleeping in class, and lack of participation will result in lower grade. Please bring your journal to all classes. Please don’t use cell phone in class.
【備 考】