授 業 科 目必修・
学 年
English Ⅲ
選択24  ミッシェル ポール
The purpose of this course is to encourage the students to use the English they have learned so far to communicate verbally and in writing. We will also work on pronunciation and listening comprehension.
1. Improvement of students’ ability to communicate effectively in English.
2. Confidence building, so that the students feel comfortable vocalizing the English they have already learned to read and write so far.
3. Cultural awareness, through stories and anecdotes (listening comprehension) by the teacher.
4. Relationship building among students, and between students and teacher, to create a good environment for a productive term.
1.My self introduction. Explain class goals and my grading policy. Students interview and introduce each other.
2.I interview students one by one, while they practice asking each other questions. Students also make question slips.
3.Explain your name (kanji meaning). Start journals. Make name cards.
4.Theme- Golden Week. Discuss in pairs and as whole class. Journal entry.
5.What kind of _ do you like? Interview each other. Journal entry.
6.Translate Japanese children’s songs into Enlish. Conversations on paper. Journal entry.
7.”No way!” situations. Dictation of children’s songs. Journal entry.
8.Pronunciation work. Journal entry.
9.Explaining Japanese things in English. Journal entry.
10.Association words--Summer vocabulary. Journal entry.
11.Describing things. Journal entry.
12.Japanese joke in English. Journal entry.
13.Castaway―part 1.
14.Students tell jokes in English. Discuss Castaway and test. Last journal entry.
15.Castaway―part 2.
16.Test―oral and written.
Prints and other media will be used in lieu of a textbook. You will keep a journal, so please bring a notebook every week.
Attendance (50%), participation (40%), and test (10%) will all be considered.
Regular attendance and participation are required. Absences, sleeping in class, and lack of participation will result in lower grade. Please bring your journal to all classes. Please don’t use cell phone in class.
【備 考】